6 Steps To A Successful VBAC

The good news is that VBAC is slowly becoming more widely accepted in medical maternity care. And you have the ability and right to find a care provider and birth setting that are supportive of your desires to birth vaginally after a cesarean. If you’ve had a cesarean and you’re wanting to increase your chances of having a successful vaginal birth in the future, then read on...

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My Doula Journey: Birth #3, Part 2

So there I was, in the lobby of the hospital becoming my I-am-woman-hear-me-roar self. The nurse looked up at me as if coming out of an over-worked fog and said with wide eyes, “Oh. Okay, ma'am.” She got up from her seat to come around and open the door to the maternity wing. I was walked into the closest triage room so they could check my progress. My husband and I knew the routine so we walked right in and took our places. He walked around the bed to lay the bags down and I climbed onto the bed and took everything off except my sports bra. I was in my unfettered zone; there were no rules of decency or proper etiquette that could contradict my primal, birth brain...

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